February 18, 2025

4 New YouTube Streaming Features

2 min read
4 New YouTube Streaming Features


If you want to watch a live stream on YouTube, there are four new streaming features that you can use right now. These include the Go Live Together feature, Live Rings, and Full-Screen Mode. These features will allow users to choose the type of stream that works best for them. In addition, there will also be a new option for cross-channel live redirection. Look here for reliable digital marketing companies in UAE.

Go Live Together:

YouTube recently introduced a new streaming feature called “Go Live Together,” which allows creators to invite guests to share their live stream. When a guest joins a live stream, the guest’s stream will appear above the creator’s. The host and guest can set up the live stream from their computers or smartphones. The feature is currently limited to a select group of creators, but YouTube hopes to expand its reach.

Live Rings:

The new Live Rings feature on YouTube is a great way to distinguish live channels. Tap the channel’s avatar, and you’ll be taken to its live stream. This feature is available to everyone who starts a live video stream on YouTube. It’s a great way to reach new audiences and increase subscribers. Additionally, live streams on YouTube offer great money-making potential. YouTube creators can keep up to 70% of the revenue generated by the Super chats and stickers that appear in live streams.

Full-screen mode:

If you have trouble playing YouTube videos in full-screen mode, you may have a theme interfering with the feature. There are several ways to fix this, including refreshing the web page and restarting your browser. If everything fails, you can always disable the current theme and restore the browser to its default look. Once the browser has been reset, you can try viewing YouTube videos in full-screen mode. You can also try reinstalling the YouTube app from the App store.

Cross-channel live redirects:

YouTube has introduced a new “cross-channel live redirects” feature to its streaming platform. This new feature allows YouTube creators to send their live audience to a different channel, allowing them to interact with other content creators on the platform. It can be enabled in the YouTube studio settings. However, it is important to know that the cross-channel live redirect only works for some live streams.